June 28th 2016, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and I were reflecting on my appearance on her new TV show.“Laura-Lynn and Friends” On her show, I briefly shared, how the Canadian residential school system, almost defined me and destroyed my life. I also shared how meeting Laura-Lynn and reading her book “Relentless Redemption” changed my life. I am still in disbelief, Not long ago, I was residing in a tent, now I am her tenant. She addresses me as Pastor Justice and sometimes brotha. I am truly blessed and no doubt truly grateful. I have never met a busier woman, Laura-Lynn is always on the go! She appears on two TV shows; The 700 Club Canada and Laura-Lynn and Friends. When she isn’t touring North America, she is editing and captioning her shows on her laptop. To be able to sit and chat with her is a blessing. She is filled with wisdom and love, I am learning so much from her. Our chats are sometimes accompanied with laughter and tears. I trust Laura-Lynn with my life, so I am able to openly share my life experiences. Today, Laura-Lynn helped me make sense of my life. She shared the vision of my life, that God had shown her. She spoke of people inviting me to speak in front of many. She spoke of people inviting me on radio and TV. She saw me traveling place to place sharing my story.
Laura-Lynn reflected on my life. “Darren, all that you had endured and where you are today. God has a jaw dropping plan for you. You are so many things! A counselor! A writer! An artist! A speaker! You have been created to reach out to people...To help! Now is the time! Now is the time to write your book. So many out there need to read your story...So many have lived the same kind of life as you did...Some worse! They need to hear or read your story and learn how you survived...How you were saved.”
For most of my life, I have stared up at either the sky or my bedroom ceiling, thinking. “What am I doing here? What was I born for? Ending my life...Is that the answer?” I had no clue, I had no answers, I just wandered this planet aimlessly. Generations of my family, had gone through the gauntlet of residential schools. Their blue print of life was taken from them, replaced with foreign dysfunctions, which was then handed down to me. I was deprived of our language, our culture, basically our identity.Without a blue print of life, you are basically acting on free will alone. Imagine yourself blind folded, walking on a freeway or busy highway. Eventually, life as you know it, is going to be either chaotic or over. In my case, it became very chaotic, I some how managed to survive. Many who walked by my side, their lives ended. Ever watch a horror movie? At the end of the movie, there is always a survivor. They are shaken and traumatized, they just witnessed those closest to them destroyed. All they have is questions flooding their shattered mind. Questions that nobody has answers to...That is me. If it weren’t for my mom and Laura-Lynn and others who walk the same path...I am not writing this. I would be another casualty, I would be another statistic, I would be another victim of the residential school system. Close your eyes, see the nothingness? I would be in a place much darker than that, Instead, I made it through the darkest times. I am here to shine light on the dark areas of past.
When those dark days creep up on me, Laura-Lynn armors me and brings me out of those harsh storms. “Darren I was thinking about your calling and how much the enemy will try to discourage you in this journey. You must not let him. Your voice must be heard. He is going to dog you like a wild animal do not listen. God has called you for such a time as this for a specific purpose that only you can fulfill. God has so much for you to do that the enemy sees you as a threat because he always knows what we don't. Lucifer once sat in the presence of God he fully understands the power of God to destroy evil and to bring about tremendous victory. So when he sees God moving in a life the enemy begins to wrap up his attack on your mind, on your soul, on your body. His goal is to destroy you. You will come through the victory you will be powerful you will change lives you will make a difference that no one else can. I'm on the road I'll be home later I just felt I needed to say this to you. Let's pray God opens doors....Who better than you Darren? If not you...Then who?”
After I spoke on the TV show “Laura-Lynn and Friends” I was approached by Joe Leite. He is a good friend of Laura-Lynn’s who was also at the show. I met his son Dean at Luke 15 Recovery House. Dean has an amazing story to share as well. Laura-Lynn has shared part of our stories on The 700 Club Canada.
After speaking on the show, Joe approached me. “God gave me a name for you!” He had this ear to ear smile and his eyes beamed. “I have a name for you! Do you want to know what it is?”
I took a step back and knew God was speaking through Mr Leite. He lit a fire within me, I even started to sweat and I told him that. “You just lit me up! I am even sweating” We both laughed.
Joe asked again. “Do you want to know your name?”
I composed myself and nodded. “Yes...Yes I do.”
Joe placed his hand on my shoulder, like I was being sworn in. “Your name is JAIL-BREAKER”
I looked into his eyes and nodded. I whispered loud enough for Joe to hear. “...Set the prisoners free...”
Joe nodded and placed his other hand on my other shoulder. “My friend...Many need to hear your story...It will set them free...If I could show you a picture of what God is showing me...What He has planned for you...You will faint...You will faint my friend.”
Within these following pages, you have front row seats, a VIP ticket, an intimate up close and personal look into my families existence. Why? For these reasons specifically; awareness, understanding and hope. Please accept my invitation, I welcome you with open arms, to journey with my family and me, as you and I shine light on the dark areas of my life. Our story for His glory, I pray after you finished reading this, you will also ask yourself “If not me...Then who?”