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THE ARREST....Chapter 7

+++George said something to me, while we were sitting by our campfire, outside of Calgary. “They will catch you...They always do...It’s just a matter of time.” I shook my head and assured him. “Not me...Not alive anyways.” There was silence from both of us, only the crackling of our fire and the rustling of the leaves. +++

Back in BC, Bobbi and I were ready to leave Kamloops. Bobbi and I would drive to Lytton, mom’s home town. I was able to endure the drive, even though my nerves were traumatized. My thoughts and feelings were shattered, my body was badly abused, but I was sober. For how long? I didn’t know, all I knew, I couldn’t let mom see me like this. She has never seen me at my worst, I knew it would tear her heart apart, to see her baby, destroying himself.

I had asked Bobbi, to drive us to a campsite, Skihist. It is located about five kilometers north of Lytton, along the Trans Canada highway. The area is breath taking, rocky walls tower over you, countless pine trees through, and then, a river, the Thompson river. If you stepped into this river, chances are, you are not coming back out. It is deep, wide and insanely fast. This river has titled us, The White Water Rafting Capital. Numerous rafts and kayaks journey down these rapids every summer. Lytton is also known to be, Canada's Hot Spot. My last visit, it got to 45 c. My family, friends and I, had to sit in the Stein Creek, till the sun went down. Rattlesnakes and cactus call this place home!

Guess what? I chose to camp in the heat, rather than, recuperate in my moms air conditioned home. That is how much, I didn’t want her to see me like this. How bad did I look? Well, have you ever seen a person, who is so sick, you just thought. “This person is not going to make it? I felt this way and usually, you appear the way you feel.

I even asked Bobbi. “How do I look? Honestly...”

She looked at me and fake smiled me. “Hmmm...”

That is all I needed to know, I would need a week or two to be presentable. If it weren’t for Bobbi, I wouldn’t have made it, I actually stayed sober that whole time. Lytton is also known for the best Chinese food around. Jen and Kenny are the best! They speak very little English, but they are known and loved by many, even my mom. Jen always sits and talks with my mom when she visits Jade Springs Restaurant. We all have photos taken together, it’s awesome! Oh! Bobbi also works there! So I was able to order my fav meals through her. After work, she would visit me at the campsite, we would enjoy some Jade Springs. Double awesome!

When I felt I was finally ready to see mom, I texted her. When she found out I was in the area, for the amount of time I was. She wasn’t too happy with me, by the expression on her face, I still looked terrible. Even though, I still felt good about the amount of sobriety time I had. I strongly felt that I was done with alcohol, I felt my life was on the up and up. My body was still withdrawing from the alcohol, but my mind was hopeful. As each day passed, I felt more and more like myself. I love being around my mom....

Things were going really well, till I found out my cousin had a boating accident. His boat was swamped with water and he tried to swim for shore. He didn’t make it, our family was searching the Fraser river for his body. I went to my dad’s hometown, Rosedale, to help. We had spent weeks, searching up and down the river, hoping to find him. This really brought the family together, too bad, it was for this reason. As timed passed, our chances of recovering our loved one, became less likely. I was very shaken by this, for the longest time, I have been living recklessly. No care at all for my life, here, my cousin who lived accordingly, was swallowed by this river. Life is not fair....

I started drinking again, I even started smoking marijuana, which I never do. There was something different about this binge, I was drinking harder than usual. I had made up my mind, I was going to end this misery. My family and I, had a party, down by the Fraser river one night. My nephews had this huge beer mug, which had gauges on it. The idea was to drink as much beer, out of this mug, as possible. According to the rules of the mug...The lest amount drank, means you are a zero, the more you drink, you’re a hero. Well...I drank a full mug and a half! One nephew was only able to drink half of the mug. Everybody was in disbelief, they all recorded me guzzling the beer, on their cellphones, which they uploaded to Youtube later. When I watched the video, I myself, was shocked, I drank a large amount within minutes...Prior to the mug, I had already consumed a crazy amount beers. I was destined to black out and become immobilized, within hours I was. I no longer had control of my mind and body...

What happened next, was done during my black out, I don’t recall any part of it. I only know what my family have gathered and shared with me. This part of the story was shared on, The 700 Club Canada, by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. I left my family at two-thirty AM, alone. Apparently, I left my nephews home, to sit in my cousins Jacuzzi. I left a trail of clothes, money, cigarettes and other things from my pockets. I climbed into the Jacuzzi, knowing, I would pass out and not awake. My intentions, was to drowned and end this life...

At about six AM, my cousin awoke, to go to work. He found me passed out in his Jacuzzi and woke me immediately. He didn’t shake me gently...He roared at me! I awoke and saw how pissed he was at me. I looked up to the sky in great disappointment...”Why God? Why am I still here?” I acted in a very selfish way, he has four daughters, could you imagine? He had every reason to be angry at me. Family members took turns visiting me, after I had sobered up enough, making me promise, never to do that again. It felt like they were upset at me for, something I didn’t do, I was that detached with reality. Even after that night, I drank one more time....October 24th 2013...Till this very day, I am proud to say, I still haven’t had a drink or any drug since.

Days after this night, I would be sitting down the Fraser river with a friend. It was about two-thirty AM, when a car pulled up behind us, the police. I knew this was for me, my run from the law was about to end. Only if they knew who I was...What he didn’t know was, I had an alias, fake identity, my ex girlfriends new boyfriend’s information. If you saw us together, you would swear, we were twins or at least brothers.

The officer asked.” Who are you? What’s your date of birth?”

I looked him in the eyes and said. "Tristan Christian.” As soon as that name left my lips, I knew I messed up bad! I thought to myself. “ That isn’t the name! Who the heck is Tristan Christian and why did I use that name!?” My friend looked at me puzzled. I gave the officer my actual birth-date, because it didn’t matter anymore, I messed up already.

He would come back and state. “That person does not exist. Who are you?!”

I knew I had to come clean and turn myself in...I gave him my proper info and before you knew it...I was cuffed and detained.

Just as George had said. “They will catch you...They always do...Its just a matter of time.” ...Just days before they caught me...I tried to take my life...God had another plan for my life...He didn’t let me slip into that water that night...Something incredible was about to happen...By the way...Tristan is my late son’s name...

This isn’t all of chapter 7...Just a piece of it. I hope you enjoyed and please share or invite a friend...God Bless...I am writing Chapter 8



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