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RAIN RAIN GO AWAY....Chapter 1

**Ever watch these reality TV shows? My favorites are the ones that document people trying to survive in the wild for a duration of time. I experienced something like that, except, I was not trying to survive. I had fled to a province where nobody knew me. I cut off everything that could be traced to me. I had been drinking consistently for almost a year, until the great flood.**

What would you do? You are wanted by the law, your spouse hasn't seen you in a year, everybody you know and love; are a day away. Everything inside you is telling you to surrender and go home. I wanted to, believe me I did, something dark had it clutches in me. I had been binge drinking for almost a year, isolated in either a dark room or tent. Nobody to speak life into me, just that cold bite, that relaxing kiss, a chilled can of beer. I was not always a beer drinker, I preferred the kick in the face over the punch in the stomach. I trusted hard liquor, it never let me down, I knew when I passed out, there were no memories left. Not only that, I knew if I wanted to go out like that guy in "Leaving Las Vegas" The hard liquor was the way to go. What's that saying? Oh yeah! "Go Domo or Go Homo"

Somebody failed to tell me, the month of June in Alberta sucks. Had I known, I would have moved camp or stayed at my business partners home. I was not ready for the hell, that was unleashed on me, frikn days and days of constant storms. In British Columbia, we have mountains, trees, valleys and huge buildings, to create friction. You know? To slow these winds down, to create a kind of shield, not in Alberta. You are exposed to the harshest and fastest winds, EVER. When I was camped in an open meadow, the winds flattened my tent with me inside. I had to kneel, holding the tent poles up. I felt like an ant, hanging onto anything, preventing from being thrown across the land. I have never felt so helpless, vulnerable, insignificant, so puny! I swore to not make that mistake ever again, I set my tent up within a forest of trees, on a big hill. I still got a thrashing from the winds, not as bad as before. Another thing! Alberta is known for tornadoes, yeah, I saw one forming above my camp. Black, grey and blue clouds spinning in the sky, I needed to get out of there, I was mesmerized by the beauty. I stood there staring at death, she was beautiful, I could not look away. All I could do, was text others and explain what I was experiencing. They of course begged me to get away from there, where was I going to run? I was at it's mercy, It was right on top of me, having her way with me. I submitted, I accepted whatever its intentions were. I had taken a video of how the winds were bending the trees to the ground. I saw some up rooted, I saw debris flying through the air, I felt I would be next.

When I am scared, I do very uncalled for things, I mean very stupid. I think I was more or less showing off, I had been chatting with this gorgeous red head, who lived in BC. I took a video of the trees bending over like bows, I believe this is how Bow Valley got its name. Anyway, I took a video of this insane storm, showing how hard the rain was coming down. I then joked about taking a shower, she dared me, so I stripped down and did it. I stood there in the middle of a storm, taking a shower, who does this? Apparently, I do... I think I pissed somebody off, because it began to hail, I mean stones. I have heard of golf ball and baseball size hail, lucky for me, it was only stone size. They still hurt, causing me to run for cover. If you know anything about tornadoes, you know, hail comes with it. Debris and hail filled the skies, I wanted to look up and see if that cloud was still spinning above me, but I didn't want a hail stone to replace one of my eyes.

I recall thinking, this storm will pass, then I can enjoy a cold beer by my fire. Was I ever wrong, what I had just experienced was the calmest part of what was next to come. I have never seen lightning like that, I have never heard thunder like that, I have never seen rain fall like that, I have never experienced anything like that. If you are thinking. "Just get out of your tent and walk to safety!" I have done a lot of crazy things in my life, trying to walk twenty kilometers, during the harshest storms, not gonna happen. Trees were being ripped out of the ground around me. Branches were falling and hitting my tent. Lightning struck trees, it struck the ground and could easily strike me. The thunder was deafening, it crashed above me, I cried, I felt God was scolding me. Did I tell you about the rains? It fell hard, it fell fast and it fell side ways...For days and days. As much as I wanted to walk to safety, I was trapped in my fabric casket.

During the harshest nights, I would always be awoken by branches falling on my tent. I cringed at the thought of one stabbing me while I slept. I wanted to set my tarp up over my tent, but, It was stretched high above my fire pit and woodpile. Unable to carry out simple tasks, caused me to toss and turn, frustrated. Either create a safety net or lose my source of drinking water. I felt, I was in a dammed if you do or dammed if I do. There was no WIN WIN situation out there, I was losing at everything as each day passed. The relentless winds had taken out my center post, causing my tarp to become a suspended pool of rainwater. This was my only blessing, without water, I wouldn't be writing this. All the things, I had studied about surviving in the wild, did not prepare me for this. I mean, there are scenarios that we just don't consider, for example. "Hey! What if it storms for a month nonstop?!" Although, I had read, rainwater becomes contaminated once it touches ground. I felt my tarp was clean enough to drink from, so I cut a hole in the middle creating a funnel. I set my water jug under the free pour, that kept me hydrated. I had another problem though, I ran out of Tic-Tacs and Tumz, hunger had become a new issue. It’s said, a man can go without food for a month. I felt my hunger pains, constant craves; eat away at my fat reserves. I found sleeping to be more torturing; NIGHTMARES of eating my favorite foods taunted me. Each time I awoke, I would look outside my tent; maybe there was something to eat...Nothing.

I thought about my days of being a starving art student. All I had in my cupboards were rice and pancake mix. I would make a pot of rice for dinner, douse it with soya sauce, bon appetite. For breakfast, fry up some pancakes and wala! I was not alone during this time, I had my cousin staying with me, he was also a starving art student, so I thought. A few friends said, they saw him eating a Chinese buffet, more than once. My thinking was, sneak some home for the starving guy! That is when I came up with the idea, send two people to the Chinese buffet, with zip lock bags. Four of us would all put our money together, so two could eat, while the other two waited at home. I was one waiting at home, anticipating those delicious chicken wings. Canada Cafe in Merritt BC, they make the best honey garlic chicken wings, EVER. That is all I ordered, I sat watching TV with my buddy, both of our stomachs spoke to each other. We would glance at each other, starving is no joke, eyes don't lie. I can remember hearing heavy feet coming up the apartment steps. I knew that was from two guys who were over stuffed from a Chinese buffet. Once the door flung open, the pack sacks came off, zip locks of food came out. I was blown way! I could not believe how many bags they had smuggled out! I had bags and bags of chicken wings!

I had to ask. "Do you guys want any?" I held the bag open, offering them some.

The two smugglers laughed. "Noooo..We are stuffed man! We ate so much!" They collapsed onto the couches, content. My buddy and I sat there with a buffet, all in zip lock bags, the biggest bags.

As much as I tried to not think about those times, the more they flooded my mind. I recall eating away at my finger nails and the flesh that surrounded them. I drew blood more times than not, I would lay there sucking away at the open wound. The blood would remind me of a medium rare steak. I would bite at my hand, thinking it was a thick cut, PRIME RIB...The end cut! Sometimes I would bite too hard, the whole fantasy diluted by pain. God must be punishing me for the scams I pulled to get food. I thought about the times I cheated the system for my own gain.

I was awoken by my room mate. "Hey! Take this receipt and go back to the Overwaitee grocery store! Ask the guy for a grocery list, mark off everything that is on the receipt. don't let the guy see the receipt. Then go inside and pretend you have been to cashier, then go back outside and present the receipt to the guy! He will give you everything on the receipt."

He was right! I went to the grocery store and did everything he instructed me to do. The man who checks the receipt and gathers your bulk items, he doesn't alter the receipt. He didn't mark it with a pen, he didn't tear a corner or stamp it to void it. The receipt also didn't have a time or date on it. So you know what we did? We sent two of our other room mates to do the same thing. We wound up with four for the price of one. Our cupboards and fridge was maxed out, we had no more room to store anything. We had scammed six hundred dollars worth of bulk groceries, most of it non perishable. The was the last bulk case lot sale we had seen that store have. It was because of us, we cheated their flawed system, we thought we had won.

My mom as wise as she is, she warned me. "Oh Darren...You will pay for that...Not right away...But you will...I pray for mercy." She looked very concerned, she knew God wouldn't let that go.

As I laid there, starving, my moms words echoed from the past to those days. I wept and whispered beneath my breath. "Oh God...I am sorry...Please forgive me..." Like a baby, I cried myself to sleep.

I constantly cursed at the crashing thunders and the growls from my collapsed stomach; they either kept me awake or rudely awoke me. After being alone for so long, you start to hear voices and singing. Death would visit me, whispering to me, reminding me, she loves me and is here for me. When I embraced her, she is peace and love; she was my end. I committed to her, engaged; two becoming one flesh or should I say one spirit? There were many dark moments, thoughts of ending this prolonged existence; became very inviting. I had enough rope, a strong tree, just fifty steps uphill from my camp. What kept me from following through? My mom, she has endured so much already. Burying a fifth child, would add to the devastation, I couldn’t commit suicide, it had to look like an accident. That thought created a mental coin toss, heads, while the storms remain, I stay in my tent and eventually die. Tails, if the sun shines for more than a day; I will get up and seek food.

This one morning was different, I would be awoken, not by the deafening thunder or crashing timbers. I was awoken by something that had been missing for almost a month. The song from birds chirping above...There was life outside my tent. I used borrowed strength to unzip the window to my ceiling. There it was, a color that brings smiles to our faces year round, blue skies. The coin showed TAILS, It was time to seek out food. I had no idea what day it was, what time it was. I just knew I had to get up and walk towards civilization, which was the most grueling walk of my life. My legs beyond weak, buckled each step. I couldn’t walk too far, so I decided to seek out the nearest power outlet. I needed to recharge my cellphone and order food. Just before the Olympic Park outside of Calgary, I staggered up to a chapel. I tried the doors and found they were all locked, so I searched outside, finding an outlet. I plugged my cell in and waited till I had enough power to use my App “Just-eat” I ordered pizza and wings from the closest pizza place, I gave them the chapels address to deliver to. While waiting I rested on a green patch of grass, my butt was soaked; I didn’t care. I was busy

anticipating the steaming pizza and hot-wings; I knew my body would be in shock; still I didn’t care. I recall thinking. "This is what bears must feel like coming out of hibernation.”

The look on the delivery boys face was priceless, me sitting in an empty parking lot alone, not to mention I hadn't had a bath or shave in...Yeah! How long was up there? According to my cellphone, I hadn’t eaten just under a month. It was approximately twenty six days since my last meal; you can’t count Tums and Tic-Tacs. Speaking of Tumz, I could've sure used some, the hot-wings were too much too soon.

On the way back, my legs were less shaky, I didn’t mind the trek to my waterlogged campsite. Glancing up the hill, I hadn’t noticed while hiking out, the forest was now blanketed with leaves and blooms. Everything around me and including myself, was alive, I was inspired to do something super exciting. That’s when it came to me, I could move my camp, the chapel had a forest of trees behind it. The chapel had an outlet, water tap and even an unlocked WIFI signal. Not super exciting, but it’s a start. I hiked around the hills behind the chapel, finding the perfect spot. Nobody would ever stumble across my camp, it was an open space; surrounded by thick forest. Endless dead-falls created walls that were intimidating. I wouldn’t even attempt to walk through them. I knew very well, there were widow makers in there, just waiting for something to set them off; not this guy.

While exploring around my new setting, I discovered a road that led down into a ravine. I was immediately discouraged, those who know this road could discover my camp. I decided to make the road non existent, by cross hatching dead-fall throughout the road. Then pulling down branches all throughout the road. Then laying a couple logs where the road led down into the ravine. I also cut down long grass and spread it over the road, covering old tracks. When I was done, I was impressed, the road blended in with the forest. Had I known this road before, I would've stood there scratching my head, wondering where the road went. It worked, there were nights, a vehicle pulled up to the ravine; only to turn around and leave. I would gaze into my fire grinning, thinking. “Not tonight guys.”

Thoughts of cycling across Canada reentered my mind, I have always wanted to hike or bike the Trans Canada Trail. I felt I could do it with only seven thousand dollars. I would use two thousand to buy a bicycle and needed supplies. I felt I could survive with only five thousand. I would spend time scanning over Craigslist and Kijiji; online sites that advertise. I wanted a street/trail mountain bike so bad, I spotted one that I had my heart set on, I was actually willing to spend twenty -five hundred dollars on it. It had everything I would need for a long trip. It was a black street/trail mountain bike with saddle bags front and back. He wanted four thousand and would not come down off the asking price. I bugged him so much that he blocked me...How rude.

I became desperate, so I lied.. I entered this paragraph into both shopping sites. “Hello, I am a male from BC. I just recently cycled from BC to Alberta, I am presently residing at C.W.C. Campground where my mountain bike and saddle bags were stolen. Leaving me with only my tent, clothes and sleeping gear. I had plans to cycle across Canada on the Trans Canada Trail. Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you very much.”

I was blown away at the response I had received! I left a newly created email with a fake name of course. I was shocked to find how many were willing to help.This lady had the exact model of a mountain bike that I needed to make this trip. Exactly like the black one, that guy wouldn’t come down on. She didn’t have the saddle bags and only had off-road tires. The frame of her bike was made for women and was much smaller. She had it for sale and said in her email. “Sorry to hear about your bike. I wanted to sell mine, but you need it more than I do. When can you come and pick it up?” I had received many more emails like hers, I was stuck on which email to reply to.

Till this one Christian man emailed me, his header read, “ LEGS & GUTS.” He knew I had received emails already, because he knows the hearts of fellow Calgarians. He advised me. “Email everybody back and tell them THANK YOU, but I was made an offer I cannot refuse.”

He went on to state that he has made numerous trips to BC and back to Alberta. Also that he entered a triathlon in Hawaii. He stated his bicycle has many miles and is ready for many more; just needs some work. He sent me a photo and I was instantly in-love with his bike. He wanted to meet as soon as possible and asked where we could meet. I gave him the C.W.C Campground location and he knew it well. From my new campground, I was about a half hour walk away from C.W.C. I needed to get there before him, so he would believe I was actually staying there. I cut through the forest, open fields and over fences; still he arrived before me. He was standing at the campgrounds office waiting for me, when he saw me walking down the road. He had that look on his face. “What the heck?!”

I quickly thought up a lie. “The fee of this campsite was eating away from my travelling budget, so I am camping in the bush.”

He smiled and nodded. Can I drive you to your camp? I have more than just a bike to give you.” He was overly excited and happy like Christians often are.

I jumped into his truck and pointed. “It’s over in that direction...After being robbed..."

He cut in. “I understand...Yeah! Trust must be an issue now!”

As he pulled up to the ravine that I worked so hard to cover up, he asked me to help him unpack. He looked around, puzzled to where my camp was. I got the feeling, he didn't fully believe my story. When I spoke, I noticed my voice was shaky, almost like I was about to cry. I chose to not speak as much, I felt guilty but it was too late; I was committed to the lie. When I saw the bike, it was far from what I expected, nothing like what I saw in his photo. I felt like I was just punched in the face! I just turned down a lot of nice bikes...for this?!

He was quick to point out. “I can tell by the look on your face...Not what you expected!” He chuckled momentarily and then explained. “I didn’t have a photo of my bike but sent you one similar and same color. Mine just needs some love and its just like the one in the photo I sent!” He had this ear to ear smile, he was actually proud of this bike.

Meanwhile, I had a bad taste in my mouth, I felt this man knew I was lying. I could feel my cheeks burning red, he was going on and on, but I just heard muffles. I leaned the old bicycle against a tree and I began to massage the back of my neck. Thoughts flooded my mind, how did he know I was lying? He stated he has made numerous trips to BC and back to Alberta. He asked me in our emails which route I took, I stated I stayed low to the USA and Canadian border to avoid the endless climb through The Rocky Mountain Range. I stood there and felt like a complete idiot. Looking at my body, anybody could tell I was not a cyclist. I think almost starving may have bettered my chances of looking somewhat fit.

I blurted out, cutting him off completely. “I am not a cyclist..I have always wanted to hike the Trans Canada Trail..I just thought biking it would be quicker.” As soon as that statement passed my lips, I wanted to bite my tongue off, completely off. The Trans Canada Trail doesn’t begin in Vancouver, nor does it follow the USA and Canadian border. I was way off by hundreds of miles, and we both knew it.

He looked at his watch. “Well I have other engagements to make today, I will give you the care package I made for you and I will be on my way. OH! I almost forgot!” He dug into his wallet and pulled out two hundred dollars. “This is for the bike...with this you can make it look like the one in the photo. One more thing before I go!” He stood beside me holding the bike up and snapped a photo of two of us. “Take photos of your trip and send them to me and good luck rest of the way....LEGS AND GUTS!” Then he drove away.

Oh! All those storms, created a flood that rocked Calgary and neighboring communities. apparently, the dam also breached adding to the devastation. The Canadian Armed Forces were called to create order. Many homes and businesses were destroyed by the flood. I saw a heading in a newspaper "COME HELL OR HIGH WATER"

*** There is more to chapter one...I am only sharing parts of each chapter..***

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Much Love and God Bless



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