THE TREK...Chapter 4

**When there is no other way, but to put one foot in front of the other, keep moving forward. In the past, I’ve dug my heels in, demanding a ride, walking was not an option. How quickly that all changes when your alone on a mountain, it becomes, do or die. **
My first signs of civilization, a Samsung III cellphone, just sitting in the dirt. The screen had a spider web crack, I thought maybe it just needed new glass, after further inspection, I set it down for somebody else. I had an Iphone 4 S, I kept it turned off to preserve the two bars I had left. I played my Ipod with my Marley ear buds, I had a strut going on, Eddie Vedder serenaded me with Hard Sun. I love that song so much, it suited my day, so I kept it on repeat. If there were any wild life around, I know I scared them off with my vocals. That is the beauty of being alone, you can be yourself, I say sing and dance!
I knew when I was off that mountain, the road leveled out. The downgrade was so intense, I had to stop and doctor a nasty blister, the constant friction lit up my feet. After applying a heavy dose of Mole Skin, I changed my socks and shoes. I was relieved to finally reach an asphalt road, half a day of hiking far behind me.
I had reached a river, a mother and her kids were fishing in the creek below.
I stopped to refill my water bottle, asking the boys. “Are you guys catching anything?” I tried to not scare any fish away.
They both shook their heads signalling no, the boy without the fishing rod asked me. “Where did you come from?” The boys checked out my overstuffed back pack.
I looked back, recognizing a peak that I was camped across from. “You see that peak? I was camped across the river from there.” I was even amazed at the distance I had covered.
The boys eyes widened, one of them informed me. “That’s grizzly bear and black bear country!...Weren’t you scared!?” They looked at each other shaking their heads.
The kid with the fishing rod, reeled in his line and yelled over to his mom. “Mom! Did that man die from that grizzly bear attack?!” He passed the rod to his brother.
Their mom reeled her line in and hopped rock to rock to near us. “No! He survived! ...He has some gnarly scars though! ...Hi! Did you just come from Waiporous?” She reached into her pack and handed her boys snack bars. “Snack bar?” She tossed me one. “Here have another.” She tossed me another and had one left for herself.
I was so hungry and thankful, I ripped the wrapper off and inhaled the bars. I wasn’t interested in the bear mauling, I was on a mission.“Thanks...Could you tell me?...Which is the quickest route to the main highway?...The Trans Canada.” I loaded my back pack onto my shoulders, fastening the belts.
She chuckled and pointed. “Over that mountain! That is where the Trans Canada highway is.” She pointed down the road.” You could go this way, but you wouldn’t reach the Morley Trail highway by dark....Then when you do reach the Morley, you will just end up hiking back in the opposite direction. You are looking at a two day hike if you go this way. Yeah! If you don’t mind the hike over this mountain, this would be quicker.” She bit her lip and shrugged. Not what I wanted to hear...
I chose to hike the mountain, I didn’t want to walk east towards Calgary to reach the Morley Trail Highway, I would have to camp for the night. The next day, turn, hike west back to where I started, but on the other side of this mountain. I committed to hiking south, over this mountain, I was not concerned about bears, only getting over this mountain.
On my way, I found an information booth, apparently, I could have hiked to Banff, Alberta. I felt like I wasted half a day, walking in the wrong direction. Had I known the trail leading to Banff National Park, I could have been there in four hours. I was devastated and crushed, I had to keep telling myself. “You didn’t know...Let it go.” It was hard to let go, the scorching summer sun along with my sensitive blister and my dead weight back pack; reminded me of the missed opportunity. As the heat became more intense, I questioned my decision, I should have waited for a rainy day, who knows how long that would’ve been. Demoralized and beaten up by the elements, I was close to giving up, I started to look for a place to set up my tent. I spotted a picnic table, within a forest of trees, looked like a party place. It was littered with empties and cigarette butts, I won’t lie, I was hoping a few full cans of beer were left, not one. While scanning the area, a plastic bag sitting on the seat of the bench caught my eyes. It was a bag of baby coconuts, still sealed, I hate coconuts. I knew, in order to get over that mountain, I would need these for energy. After popping one of these babies in my mouth, I knew I had made another bad decision. Chances of somebody picking me up, were better if I had hiked the longer route. I would have been closer to Cochrane, heck I could have gotten a ride right into Cochrane. I wouldn’t be eating these disgusting white chips...wait a minute...Not bad! I ate six of those bitter sweet chips and felt a surge of energy. I looked up at the mountain and said. “You are mine.”
I had found a black top road, of course I was interested to see where it led. The black top looked recent, maybe a new road, explains why it wasn’t on the map. If this road leads me around the base of this mountain, I would be golden, there was pep in every step. The closer this road got to the mountain, the cooler the air became. I took my ear buds out, I had a hunch, I was right, there was a river near by. The roar of the river was music to my ears, I needed to refill my water bottles. My mind was at ease, I thought setting up camp along this river wouldn’t be a bad idea.
I turned my cellphone on, I had received more messages, this one caught my attention. “Hey! We are heading to the Salmon Arm Music Fest! You should come!” I replied and found out the festival started the following day, I needed to either land a ride that would take me there, or catch a Greyhound bus. Either way, I needed to make tracks, no more stops. I reloaded with water and coconuts chips. I had to cross a bridge, I noticed a family enjoying the cool breeze and glazier waters. I waved and wished them a good day, they returned my gesture. As I took each step, I anticipated the fun to be had at the festival, I began to walk faster. After crossing the bridge, I had to climb a big hill, I could see blue sky through the trees at the top. This meant there was a way around this mountain, I didn’t have to climb it, I just needed get around it. When facing adversity, certain things like to pop up in your mind.
In the mid 1990’s, I was in a life changing motorcycle accident, an orthopedic surgeon stated. “Mr Justice, you didn’t break your leg...You shattered it. I managed to thread a nail through your femur fragments. It was like trying to navigate through an asteroid field. It is held in place by two screws, one at the knee and one at your hip. Now! With that in place, you CANNOT put weight on your right foot for about six months. You will ruin the setting and we will amputate your leg if you do. No bending...I repeat! No bending your leg during this time. OK...That is the good news, the bad news...You will not walk properly, most likely with a limp. You will not run again, you won’t be able to do hard labor jobs.” From that discussion on, I considered my life over. The later 1990’s, were a blur, I was so far detached from myself, I even forgot my own birth date. My life had spun out of control, I had gotten myself into a lot of trouble with the law. The only thing I didn’t do, was commit murder.
How bad did it get? I thought by leaving my current residency, I would improve my life with a geographic transplant. My girlfriend and I agreed to drive sixteen hours north from our home. We went to visit her mother in northern British Columbia. We had even planned on finding jobs and then eventually find our own place. I felt really good about our new start, that would be short lived, I was in a celebrating mood. We managed to hunt down a party buddy during our college years. I remember him saying he was from these parts. When we found him, he was so excited that he flung my truck door open and ripped me from the drivers seat. He stands six feet and four inches, seven inches taller than me, so he was able to man handle me. What he didn’t know was, I had my feet on the clutch and brake of my truck. So when he pulled me out of the truck, it rolled back, causing the open door to knock us both to the ground. We had to roll away from the truck , preventing the front tire from rolling over us. We had a good reunion, that is as far as it should have gone, not so. We hit the local bar, closing it down, then starting a party at one of his friends home. I should have taken the cue from my girlfriend, when she said she was tired. I let her sleep in the truck, while I drank till daylight. My new friends offered us a place to sleep, I chose to drive instead.
Well, my girlfriend and I got into argument, she could clearly see, I was in no shape to drive, nobody was. When I had driven to a dead end, she laughed at me, she had proven I was not capable. This flicked a switch within me, the stunt driver that I am not, climbed into the drivers seat. I shifted the gears into reverse, pushed the pedal to the floor, we were flying down the street in reverse. My girlfriend started screaming at me to stop the truck, only she didn’t say how. I cranked the steering wheel sharp, thinking I was going to turn down the next street, backwards. I made the turn OK, but didn’t see the pickup truck parked on that street. With my rear bumper, I crushed the parked trucks door and box in, bringing us to a complete stop. Without hesitation, I threw my truck into second gear and took off. My passengers were screaming at me, I just wanted to get as far away from that scene as possible. It was six o'clock AM, people were off to work, a witness chased me down the road. I drove eighty kilometers through a thirty kilometer zone. Hill on one side, river on the other, I’m still amazed I made it through those S’ curves.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did. What is the worse thing that could happen without killing anybody or badly injuring them? How about traumatizing them with a high speed chase with the police? I still had this witness chasing me, so I tried to evade him by making a sharp left. Remember what happened last time I made a sharp turn? Well, I came inches of almost driving into a police car. He was sitting at a stop sign, had I not seen him, I would have driven into him head on. Now, I have a hit and run, failing to stay at an accident scene, speeding against the signs, reckless driving and driving under the influence. I had seconds, to decide, stop or go? I choose to go, I stepped on it, thoughts of driving me and my truck into the river entered my mind. I just needed to get some distance between me and the police to get rid of my passengers, who were now scared sober. My buddy was so scared that he opened the passenger door and tried to jump out, my girlfriend prevented him by wrapping her arm around his neck. At the same time, screaming at me to stop truck, so I did. I stopped and screamed back at her, to get out!
She did something that shocked me, she took my keys from the ignition. “You’re going to hurt yourself...I can’t allow that...It stops here.” She let my friend go and he jumped out of my truck.
I was now in a drunk rage. “GIVE ME BACK MY KEYS!!” I looked back to see two police cars with red and blue flashing lights pull up. I placed my forehead on my steering wheel.
She was right, it stopped there, the police pulled their firearms. “PASSENGER! GET BACK INTO THE VEHICLE!” My friend had to climb back in with us. When the police arrived at my door, they ordered me to exit the truck slowly with my hands placed on the back of my head. I was then cuffed and brought to jail. That is where they threw the book of charges against me. The truck I drove into, was the major sons truck, who was married to the chiefs daughter. I ended up wavering my court date out of that town. I did not want to the judge who probably golfs with the major to put me away and throw away the key. I left my girlfriend with her mother, that would be the end of our relationship. I drove back to my moms home town, Lytton BC, Canada. I approached my friend who is a lawyer, I had him represent me.
I ended up losing my drivers license for a year, I also had to pay a sum of twenty-four hundred dollars for damages. I was also ordered to seek counseling for my drinking problem. You would think this would be a turning point in my life. You would think...This would be my rock bottom. Apparently...I was not yet done. While seeing my addiction counselor, I continued to drink at an insane rate. Something had to give, and eventually it did, I wound up in the hospital with stitches on the side of my head. I almost choked my relative to death, I actually thought I had killed him. I was so distraught that I started to walk towards the bridge to jump off. As I made the walk of shame, there was music to my ears, my relative coughing for air. I exhaled, I was relieved that I hadn’t killed him, still I continued to walk.
I heard steps behind me, then he asked. “Where you going cuz?” I turned around then bamm!
He hit me on the side of the head, I was about to hit him back, I felt the side of my head open, something warm trickled down my ears and neck. It was my blood, he cut me open with a knife. Just as I realized what had happened, he lunged at me again, swinging a blade. Had I not jumped back, he would have cut my face down the middle. It was no longer a fair fight, I looked around for a rock or stick, something to over take him with. There was nothing, just my bare fists and feet. I was already losing a lot of blood, I couldn’t chance getting cut again, I retreated and back away. I chose to stay alive and fight for my life that early morning. I walked to the police station to find them closed after hours, small towns you know. I knew there was a police residence behind the station. I collapsed at their front door after ringing the doorbell.
I awoke time to time, from a police officer nagging at me. “Hey! Come on...Stay with me! They will be here shortly...Hang in there!” I was annoyed I was cold and just wanted to sleep.
Last thing I remember, paramedics pulled up to the residence and asked me. “Can you walk?” I stood up and that is all I recall.
Next thing, I awoke in the hospital, I had a huge white bandage wrapped around my head. I was literally unraveling, my life was held together by a thread. In a chair seated beside me, my addictions counselor. “Darren! You’re awake!...What do you figure Darren?”
I closed my eyes and never thought these words would ever come out of my mouth. “I think it is time for treatment.” I felt a sense of comfort.
My counselor chuckled and said. “Good! That’s good Darren!...Just sign here, we are sending you as an emergency client. If you don’t go right away, you are not going to make it Darren.” He had my file and an application already filled in, he just needed my signature. “The doctor says you will be here for three days, I will drive you to Round Lake Treatment center myself. Till then get some rest and get well soon. You are lucky to be alive my friend...Very lucky.”
Just minutes after he left, a relative and my older brother showed up to visit. My relative was pulling a cooler that had wheels and long handle, just like a suitcase. He popped the lid open, I could hear his hand pushing through ice cubes. He then threw me a can of beer, with cat like reflexes, I snatched it out of the air.
My brother and relative laughed together. “Whoa! You still got it cuz! Cheers!” They both grabbed a beer, snapping them open, raising them towards me. My brother closed the curtain giving us privacy.
I really wanted to open that can of beer, but I was leaving for treatment in three days. “I don’t want it...I leave for treatment in three days.” I passed it back to them.
The look on my brother and relatives faces, they were shocked I was turning down a beer. My relative passed the beer to my brother, he then threw me a submarine sandwich. “Here! The food here is no good! I know!” He grinned as he knew I would appreciate the sandwich..I really did!
When I went to Round Lake Treatment center, I was asked to leave after two weeks, I formed a relationship with another client. My counselor had to come and pick me up. I was so disappointed in myself and I think he thought I was destined to die. I couldn’t even make it through a six week program. I felt hopeless, I felt I was destined to fail. My family and friends who left this world, they had the answer....Just end it.
While my thoughts and feelings were in the ditches, a vehicle pulled up beside me, which startled me because my ear buds were in.The window slid down. A woman leaned across her male passenger, she laughed a little at first. “Sorry about that!” Her and her passengers all laughed.“How far are you going?!”
I had joined in with the laughter, I must have jumped hard when they pulled up. “Whoa! You scared me!” We couldn’t stop laughing, it was so funny. Finally I composed myself long enough to answer. “I trying to get to the Trans Canada.”
They all turned to discuss how they could best assist me. She tapped her husband on the shoulder, he stepped out to help me with my pack, which he failed to lift at first. “Wow! You are packing this!? It must at least be sixty pounds!” We both picked it up and placed it at the back of their SUV. He then insisted that I sit in front seat.
As she drove, we had a good chat, learning so much about each other. I learned that she had white water rafted in my moms hometown, Lytton. She had also hiked into the Stein valley, also visited my families property. She enjoyed my company and stories so much, she drove me right to the Morley Trail road. She had to drive through a First Nation community to do so, she felt it was OK because I was with them. Apparently, if you are non Native, you need permission to pass through the community. The First Nations police force will ticket you if stopped. I was shocked at the distance that we had traveled, had I hiked it, I would have reached the road at night. When she pulled over to let me off, I thanked her and her family for going out of their way to help me out. Her husband asked for my help to get my pack out from the back. We wished each other well, just as they were pulling away, I saw my reflection in their windows. My hair was a bush, I had a beard and mustache, I looked rough and old. I didn’t recognize myself! No wonder they were shocked at my stories, I would have thought the same. “How can this be true!?” I looked like a man who lived in the woods all his life!
I ran and tapped on their window and wanted to ask. “Sorry! How far is it to the next town?” With the Bow River flowing before us, it made it hard to hear.
The lady informed. “The next town is Canmore, the Trans Canada passes by it...It’s about seven kilometers.”
I thanked them and then I headed straight to the river. I needed to do something about my hair and beard. I have never let myself go like this before, so I dug into my pack for the sharpest razor I had left. I only had those cheap disposable razors, all three were dull and useless. I had to shave, I had to make these work somehow. I grinded the razor against a rock, kinda like sharpening a knife. I rinsed it in the river and tried it against my face, IT WORKED! Well...It mostly pulled hairs from my face, but I was getting somewhere. I used all three razors until they were all completely useless. My face was traumatized but it was less hairy, even bleeding in some spots. I could feel small patches here and there, the razors couldn’t remove them. I put my ball cap on, I checked my reflection in my sunglasses, I looked respectable. I changed my clothes into something more colorful and approachable. When I felt I was good enough to join society, I got back on the road, look out world here I come!
I had hiked for over seven kilometers, I stopped, wondering if I had passed a road that led to a bridge. I already hiked in the wrong direction on that mountain, I didn’t want to make that mistake again. I paced myself, I needed to find out, so I stopped the next vehicle. Unfortunately he was traveling in the opposite direction, I didn't feel I needed a ride, so I didn’t bother hitchhiking. Seven kilometers is nothing, especially after all the road I had already covered.
I stepped out in the middle of the road waving both arms, the truck pulled over. “Excuse me sir, how far is it to Canmore?” I took my pack off giving myself a break.
He looked over to his passenger, then turned to me and said. “Ummm..I don’t know the distance...But it’s about a thirty minute drive from here.”
My whole body seized when I heard his answer, I had to confirm so I asked. “To Canmore...So about fifty kilometers?” I was hoping for a laugh and him correcting himself.
His passenger leaned over, informing us. “Google maps says it’s approx 79.2 kilometers from Cochrane to Canmore. It is just over fifty kilometers from here to Canmore.” She showed me her cellphone.
I thanked them and off I went, I miss understood the lady who drove me to the Morley Trail. I thought she said it was only seven kilometers, she actually said, seventy kilometers. I walked to the edge of the road to have some coconut chips and water. Only, I learned that I dropped my bottle of water about ten kilometers ago. I was in trouble, no water meant, dehydration, total body and mind shut down. I had iodine tablets to purify water from the Bow River, but no bottle or container. I looked down the valley, fifty kilometers with no water, sun still beating on me. Camping is not an option, drinking untreated water from the river is not an option, hitchhiking and making it to Canmore is the only option. So I slowed my pace, waving my hitchhiking thumb at every passing vehicle. I have never done this before, so I tried different methods. I did the no look, keep walking, thumb out. That didn’t work after about five cars. So I tried the stop, turn, smile and wave my thumb. That didn’t work after about ten cars. So I tried just a smile and wave and this also proved unsuccessful. I started to feel discouraged, my muscles started to cramp in my legs and back. Thoughts of setting up a camp, won over my body, in my mind I knew I would not rest throughout the night. I knew very well, the lack of water would terrorize my aching muscles, my legs would lock up and punish me. I had to start walking without bending my legs, or walk sideways to use different muscles. I was in a lot of trouble, I ran out of coconut chips, I was hungry and thirsty. I gave up hitchhiking, it was almost completely dark, nobody would pick me up. I even started to hike in the middle of the road, just shifting side to side, not wanting to make extra steps off the road. I hurt so bad, muscles seized, new blisters, empty stomach and it was very cold...OH! Mosquitoes! They were slowly killing me.
I was not a follower of Christ, I knew He existed and healed me, but I didn’t feel worthy. It was like a tug of war within myself, something knocking at my heart, asking me to call on Him. I finally gave in and said out loud. “God...Jesus...Creator...Great Spirit in the Sky...Whatever you are...Please...I need you now...Give me something...Water..Food...A ride...Anything...Amen...All my relations.” Not long after that prayer, my legs un-seized and I was able to walk normally. I was so grateful and knew I had to make some ground, I picked up the pace, I even started to run with my pack. I looked up into the stars and smiled. “Thank you...”
I can’t explain what happened next, I went into a dream state, I felt nothing. I was moving forward, but I could not feel the road beneath each step. The chill air no longer pieced through my flesh. My hunger pains and thirst no longer ate away at me inside. My mind was no longer confused or panicked. I was at peace, I no longer cared about a ride, food or drink. Something told me inside, I will reach Canmore, I will replenish, I will rest, just keep moving forward.
I didn’t even hear this little car come up from behind me. It passed me, but slowed, finally coming to a stop. Then it reversed, pulling up to me, the man inside rolled his window just a little. “Where you going?” He looked unsure, I didn’t even answer, I just ran to the passenger side. He opened the window only a little on the passenger side and asked again. “Where are you going?”
I was alarmed, I could not let this ride get away, I pleaded with him. “Sir...You don’t know how relieved I am...I ran out of water and food. I am barely walking...I need to make it to Canmore to replenish. I would appreciate a ride and I will help with gas.”
He unlocked his door and started to clear off the passenger seat for me. I had to push the seat as far back as possible, it didn’t matter, my legs cramped. He gave me bottles of water and anti cramp pills. He also had bags of fresh fruit, I could not believe it. What a blessing this man was, he was so generous, he said I didn’t need to help with gas.
I had to tell him. “You look identical to my cousin back in Chilliwack.” I looked at him and was convinced he was a twin and separated at birth.
He looked at me and smiled. “I believe we are all related brother.” He passed me another bottle of water. “Here..get more of this in you.”
He did better than drive me to Canmore, he drove me to Golden, BC. Yes! He drove me back into my province! It was 2:30 AM, we found a campsite, he wished me good luck and drove off. I saw this shiny fish on the rear of his car, it said inside the fish “JESUS”
This is just part of chapter 4 and unedited...It will change a whole lot in time...Thank you for reading! Please SHARE or INVITE others who may enjoy my story...God Bless